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For the County 

Pave our Potholes
Transportation, transportation, transportation. Whether it is maintaining our streets, expanding public transportation, or improving our port infrastructure, I believe that county investment in transportation infrastructure offers unparalleled returns in terms of quality of life, access to jobs, and countywide economic development for Hillsborough residents.  As Commissioner I will support the connectivity of our communities and bring much needed road improvement projects even to the most rural areas of the county. 
Pay our Teachers
I am firmly opposed to the recent board decision to curtail CIT funding for our school district by 80%. As a proud life-long product of public education, I am well aware that strong public schools are the foundation from which we can raise up the whole community. As Commissioner I will support our county dramatically expanding funding and support for our school district, which is currently lagging behind our Tampa Bay peers both in terms of teacher pay and student success.  
Protect our Environment
To address spiraling rent costs, it is critical to build more housing in Hillsborough county. However, it is equally important to ensure that new developments do not endanger our remaining green and natural spaces. I support sensible increases in zoning density and mixed-used zoning, a strategy proven to significantly reduce pollution per-capita.  As commissioner I will also support efforts to protect our river and bay environments from runoff pollution, invest in more parks and community green spaces, and to prepare our county against an ever-increasing hurricane threat.

Issues On Your Ballot

Florida Ballot Amendments:
1. NO – I believe that public education should remain a fundamentally non-partisan issue. Candidates may already choose to self-identify with a party while campaigning, and converting to partisan races will only serve to entrench the excesses of the so-called culture wars. 
2. NO – A well-regulated hunting and fishing season is crucial to protecting our environment, particularly when it comes to dealing with invasive species. However, many conservation groups rightly point out that the language of the amendment is problematic and may infringe on existing property rights. 
3. YES – I support further legalization of marijuana as a means both to stimulate the growing marijuana industry in Florida and as a legal basis to commute, correct, and expunge years of unjust and unevenly enforced criminal penalties for marijuana use.  
4. YES – I believe passionately in abortion and family planning rights and will firmly support any effort to constitutionally enshrine those rights. Enough said. 
5. YES – I support expanding the homestead exemption, a policy which grants tax relief to homeowners, as a counter to regressive proposals to outright eliminate property taxes in Florida. 
6. NO – Not only do I oppose efforts to end publicly funded elections, but I also support expanding them greatly. Having publicly funded elections is a fundamentally progressive policy that could potentially afford Floridians of any socio-economic background the capacity to run for office with as few financial barriers to entry as possible. 

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