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I am a Proud, Lifelong Activist

About Jonathon 

I am 23 years old, and proud to be a Gen Z candidate for office. I am a Florida Native and have lived in the Tampa Bay area my entire life. I received a double B.A. in Political Science and Economics from the University of South Florida and am proud to be the first in my family to earn a college degree.

I am a lifelong activist and organizer. I lead a successful climate strike at my high school and created a thriving College Democrats club at my university. I was a leader in statewide organizing efforts to protect our universities from overreach in Tallahassee and was a proud advocate for my peers in student government.  

I come from a working-class family that was hit hard by the great recession. We were forced out of our home and have been renters ever since. I am keenly aware of the issues facing every day, working class folks, because those are the issues my family and I have faced our whole lives.

When I am elected, I will draw on my organizing and personal background to fight for the interests of the whole community on the board.  

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