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Meet Jonathon

I'm a recently graduated USF student who's passionate about protecting the environment. Hillsborough county has beautiful natural resources, and I refuse to let corporations strip our county to the bone. 

Traffic that comes from unsustainable development of Hillsborough is a threat to the way of life of families and people who have lived here for generations. 

We can do better, and deserve better.

Let's get to work!

I'm a recently graduated USF student who's passionate about protecting the environment. Hillsborough county has beautiful natural resources, and I refuse to let corporations strip our county to the bone. 

Traffic and overbuilding in Hillsborough is a daily threat to the way of life of families and people who have lived here for generations. 

We can do better, and deserve better.

Let's get to work!


Protect our natural resources & environment 

Reduce Traffic with infrastructure projects,
increasing the number of county jobs for a living wage.

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